Virtual Voicemail is a voicemail service that offers a local or toll free number in the service city of your choice, virtually anywhere in the United States or Canada for a flat rate, starting at only $9.95 per month! There is no equipment to buy and we host all of your voicemail and fax messages.
Depending on your specific needs, Virtual Voicemail will help to streamline your incoming business calls, automatically directing them to appropriate party, or can simply just take messages with the voicemails delivered as audio attachments to your email account for easy listening, as well as for easy forwarding to others. Voicemail messages can evil be transcribed and emailed.
With our announcement only set up, you can have callers listen to various greetings or call recordings from a menu tree to provide helpful information. Among our clients are various theaters, schools, churches and sports organizations, who seek to provide information to their clients and callers at the touch of a button. This way information can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the caller’s convenience, helping to give up-to-date information on showings, closings and cancellations.
With Voicemail Office’s Virtual Voicemail system, you can even customize your system to work in the way that you want it to, and all of this at a low monthly flat rate. If you are interested in getting started, you can learn more about our Local Voicemail Office and Virtual Voicemail Office systems by clicking the respective link.
If you would like to speak to a representative, please call us toll free at 888-Voicemail.
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