Account Information

Account Cancellation Received

Account Cancellation Application

Your cancellation request has been received!

Thank you for your business! We are sorry to see you go...

To return to our main page, please click here.

As per our Terms of Agreement, "Cancellations ... must be received in writing 30 days prior to the start of the customer's next billing cycle, which is either on the 25th or 1st of each month." Therefore, a final amount may be due before your account is closed.

Your cancellation has been time/date marked, and your line will be deactivated as per our terms.

If you reactivate your account in the next 30 days, receive a free month of service and free activation! Simply keep the email that was just sent to you and reply to it at any point within 30 days to reactivate your account. Good for one-time use only.

Please think of us for your future voicemail and unified messaging needs!

Voicemail Office is one of America's premier providers of voicemail and unified messaging services, offering local voicemail, 1-800 numbers, online fax numbers, Virtual PBX and other virtual voicemail services to businesses and organizations nationwide and abroad. Our services are virtually-hosted and require no equipment or software. Setup is fast & easy and voicemail numbers are activated immediately. Voicemail Office also offers custom voice mail solutions and provides voicemail to email and fax to email on all voice messaging systems.

Whether you are looking for a standalone local voicemail number, 1-800 number or fax number, you can order online and have your line ringing in minutes! If you still have questions, contact one of our friendly sales associates at 1-888-VOICEMAIL (864-2362).