What Automated Ordering and Toll Free Numbers Mean for Small Business

Most businesses likely overlook the potential of using their voicemail for automated ordering purposes. However, this mistake could be costing them thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

Automated ordering allows businesses to set up shop 24 hours a day, so that they can continue to make money even when the physical doors of the business are closed. By setting up their voicemail to ask specific questions when an order is being placed, the system will then record the spoken responses and save the order information as one file. At the end of the call, the file is sent to the company’s designated email inbox, where it can be tended to once the responsible staff member returns to the office.

If the business orders a toll free number as part of their voicemail service, the company then can open up a whole new window of opportunity to gain new clients. Instead of simply catering to consumers within the local area, the business can receive orders from virtually anywhere. Therefore, the company can literally begin advertising their products nationwide, which drastically expands its service area nearly overnight. If the phone number is also a vanity number, it can potentially be an additional boost to business as vanity numbers have been shown to be effective in marketing practices.

Why most small businesses are not taking advantage of the opportunity to receive orders 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world remains a mystery. True, many businesses can accomplish worldwide coverage simply by having a web presence, but it could also be greatly helpful to include the option of placing an order over the phone.

Voicemail is far too underused by businesses, and thus many miss prime opportunities to succeed in their endeavors. Small business owners should test utilizing these features for six months to a year and compare their sales figures at that time to analyze the benefit of maximizing the use of their voicemail.

For more information on voicemail, automated ordering and toll free numbers, visit https://www.voicemailoffice.com


Voicemail Office is one of America's premier providers of voicemail and unified messaging services, offering local voicemail, 1-800 numbers, online fax numbers, Virtual PBX and other virtual voicemail services to businesses and organizations nationwide and abroad. Our services are virtually-hosted and require no equipment or software. Setup is fast & easy and voicemail numbers are activated immediately. Voicemail Office also offers custom voice mail solutions and provides voicemail to email and fax to email on all voice messaging systems.

Whether you are looking for a standalone local voicemail number, 1-800 number or fax number, you can order online and have your line ringing in minutes! If you still have questions, contact one of our friendly sales associates at 1-888-VOICEMAIL (864-2362).